The QEII Foundation is proud to announce that our donor community rose to the challenge, donating over $50,000 in support of PET-CT technology – which was then tripled matched by the QEII’s Department of Diagnostic Imaging.
Together, they’re making an incredible $150,000 impact, which has directly enabled the purchase of the most state-of-the-art PET-CT technology available: PET-CT with extended field-of-view. This best-in-class technology has now arrived at the QEII and is allowing teams to detect smaller traces of cancer than ever before.
“The PET-CT installation was able to progress safely during the start of COVID-19,” says Dr. James Clarke, radiologist and the Chief of Diagnostic Imaging at the QEII Health Sciences Centre. “We are happy to say that we’ve been able to scan our first patient with the extended field-of-view PET-CT with great success.”
Despite the challenges that COVID-19 has brought to our world, there have been no impact to PET-CT scans, and these #QE2HealthHeroes are working diligently every day to deliver the best patient care possible. The QEII’s Department of Diagnostic Imaging is committed to ensuring that the new extended field-of-view PET-CT is available for patients who still need cancer care, every day.
“Thank you to each and every donor for understanding why PET-CT is so important. It means so much to our team to see so many individuals come together as a community to make this happen,” said Dr. Clarke
“Each one of you has helped bring the best cancer imaging technology to Atlantic Canada. We are thrilled to be able to provide the best cancer care possible to our patients.”
To learn more about the benefits of extended field-of-view PET-CT, visit QE2PETCT.ca. To support crucial cancer care during these unprecedented times, donate today and select Cancer Care as your designation.