• two female health care professional wearing masks

    Become a QEII Change Maker

    Join a community dedicated to making an extraordinary difference for QEII patient care.

Your monthly gift to the QEII Foundation makes a big collective difference towards health care for patients and families at the QEII Health Sciences Centre. 

QEII Change Makers

Together, QEII Change Makers are improving health care at the QEII through monthly giving. Your impact starts here. Join today and help make meaningful change in the care and lives of Atlantic Canadians. 

Join the QEII Change Maker community

Your monthly gifts in action:

Here are just some examples of the impact monthly giving could make possible: 

$25 MONTHLY towards the QEII Patient Essentials Fund means each month a patient in need can receive a gift card for gas, groceries, hospital parking, or personal care items.
$35 MONTHLY towards Highest Priority Needs will have a real impact where the QEII needs it most, allowing healthcare teams to swiftly address any pressing needs that arise.
$45 MONTHLY towards cancer care priorities joins together with funds from other QEII Change Makers to fuel advancements and provide incredible cancer care, research, and technology for QEII patients and their families.
$83 MONTHLY will directly help a patient through the QEII Patient Assistance Fund. These emergency grants help QEII patients with their most critical needs — like medication or equipment not covered by insurance, food, rent or mortgage payments, utilities, and car expenses.
Choose any care area that matters most to you, and make an impact with a monthly gift of any size. 

There are many care areas across the QEII, and the possibilities to make an impact through your monthly gift are endless. From innovation to patient care and beyond, tell us where you want to make a difference. 

I’m ready to be a QEII Change Maker


If you have any questions, would like to make changes to your monthly giving or need further assistance, please contact Sarah White, Charitable Giving Officer at SarahJ.White@QE2Foundation.ca or 902 266 5029.


The QEII Health Sciences Centre sees nearly one million patient visits each year, which means the generosity of our QEII Change Makers is felt far and wide. These are just a few stories of some of the extraordinary individuals who are impacting health care all year round with their monthly gifts.