Our donors stepped up in a big way and together we have funded the cutting-edge technology for Atlantic Canada’s first hybrid O.R. – but we still need your help.
Each year thousands of Atlantic Canadians require life-saving heart health care.
When you support heart health, you connect health care teams (and ultimately, patients) with leading-edge equipment, technology, and the latest research.
the forefront of innovation
Impact Fund
With medical technology always changing and improving, the QEII must keep up with the best equipment to give patients the best chance at a full recovery. The Impact Fund for cutting-edge technology is enabling QEII cardiac and vascular leaders to stay on the forefront of innovation. This can include funding the purchase of smaller, but necessary, items that can make a significant difference in the lives of patients – including everything from handheld echo machines to see the heart during emergency situations to a plasmablade cautery used in pacemaker surgery.
advancing treatment and improving patient care
Maritime Heart Centre Innovation Fund
The QEII’s world-class heart health teams are dedicated to providing the most innovative care for their patients; care that is based on the latest research, evidence and a determination to do things differently.
Funded entirely by QEII Foundation donors, these research grants are in high demand, as they continue to fuel QEII physicians and researchers to advance treatment and improve patient care – and provide critical research funding that would otherwise not be available.
It can mean a difference of life and death
A hybrid O.R. reduces the invasiveness of traditional surgical procedures – resulting in shorter recovery times, smaller incisions, less stress on the heart, and less trauma and discomfort for patients.
At the QEII, a variety of specialists will work together in the hybrid O.R. Patients will receive rapid access to innovative care with diagnosis, treatment and intervention occurring simultaneously.
This is especially important when treating trauma patients or if an emergency situation arises in the O.R. – patients will not need to be transferred between health centre floors and care teams, saving critical time when it matters most.
Be part of the solution. Support heart health care at the QEII.