In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Canadian hospital foundations have banded together to launch the Frontline Fund. The fund offers a way for all Canadians and Canadian corporations to help arm frontline healthcare providers with the supplies, supports and research funding they need to fight this public health emergency and to support northern communities and indigenous health.
The QEII Foundation extends our sincere gratitude on behalf of patients and staff at the QEII Health Sciences Centre who will benefit from an incredible $30,950 donation from the fund’s first round of disbursements across Canada. This generous contribution will support the QEII COVID-19 Response Fund which is making a local impact in the fight against COVID-19 for Nova Scotians.
Thanks to the project’s founding partners including TD Bank Group, Maple Leaf Foods and the CMA Foundation, over 100 Canadian hospitals will receive support on the frontlines in response to COVID-19.
The Frontline Fund partnered with CanadaHelps.org to make it easy and efficient for Canadians to get involved. All donations from individuals flow through Canada Helps and are aggregated so that funds given remain in the province of the donor. Individuals and corporations can donate to The Frontline Fund by visiting FrontlineFund.ca, or support the QEII COVID-19 Response Fund directly at QE2COVID19Response.ca.
About The Frontline Fund
The Frontline Fund was created by leaders in the healthcare fundraising sector who formed a national coalition to help leading Canadian hospitals and foundations raise urgently needed funds to support the highest priority needs of participating hospital foundations, including to support COVID-19 and support for the Northern Territories and Indigenous health. The goal is to provide Canadians with an easy, streamlined way to support hospitals in the form of financial assistance. The hope of this national collaborative effort is to raise awareness for this urgent need and to provide an easy, one-stop solution for Canadian individuals and businesses who want to help. To learn more, visit FrontlineFund.ca.