• board

    Disclosure of Board Affiliations

Our commitment to complete transparency. 

In alignment with Imagine Canada’s Standards and the QEII Foundation’s commitment to transparency surrounding costs, this disclosure covers the QEII Foundation’s support of Directors establishments through purchases by the QEII Foundation. The Foundation often receives a discount on sales at volunteer Board and Honorary Trustees' establishments, with these affiliations supporting lottery prizes and fundraising initiatives. 

The following list provides the name of the establishment, type of expenses incurred, the purpose, or the relationship with volunteer trustees in 2023-2024:

  • Justin Scully, Regional President Business Banking, Atlantic Canada – BMO Bank of Montreal – The QEII Foundation banks with BMO Bank of Montreal and BMO Nesbitt Burns. These accounts were setup as part of a joint banking procurement process with the Capital District Health Authority (CDHA) predecessor to the Nova Scotia Health Authority (NSHA). Accounts are not managed directly by Justin, he had no influence over the procurement process and he does not directly benefit from this transaction.
  • Kim Day, President & COO, Steele Auto Group – A variety of vehicles are offered as prizes for the QEII Home Lottery. A call to tender is made by our lottery consultant to multiple dealerships, including several that are part of the Steele Auto Group, to secure vehicle options in difference price ranges. Vehicle prize winners will typically opt for the advertised cash amount in lieu of the vehicle. Kim has no influence over the procurement of the vehicles that are awarded as prizes and does not directly benefit from these transactions.
  • Michelle Awad, Senior Partner – McInnes Cooper – The QEII Foundation engaged Jane O’Neill, a commercial litigator with a focus on dispute resolution and a partner at McInnes Cooper to handle a specific corporate matter on the recommendation of the Foundation’s legal counsel Boyneclarke. Michelle had no influence over the procurement of services and does not directly benefit from this transaction except as it relates to normal partnership profit sharing.
  • Marc Champoux, Vice- President, BMO Private Wealth, Atlantic Canada – BMO Bank of Montreal - The QEII Foundation banks with BMO Bank of Montreal and BMO Nesbitt Burns. These accounts were setup as part of a joint banking procurement process with the Capital District Health Authority (CDHA) predecessor to Nova Scotia Health (NSH). Accounts are not managed directly by Marc; he had no influence over the procurement process, and he does not directly benefit from this transaction. Further, any future consideration of banking or wealth management services will require recusal of Marc from that process.