Most people in our community are not familiar with the field of interventional radiology (IR).
The QEII’s IR team at the QEII consists of frontline staff who work behind the scenes to perform over 200 different minimally-invasive procedures for more than 6,300 people a year – from cancer patients, to heart patients, to stroke patients.
Our team provides lifesaving care, from head-to-toe, at the QEII Health Sciences Centre.
This holiday season, our team and our patients need your help to ensure that the QEII has the best technology to provide care during COVID-19 and beyond.
Our team has come together to identify multiple ways we can drastically improve how we deliver care to our patients – from the equipment we use to the patient journey through our care area - but we need your support to make it happen.
With your support, and in partnership with government, we have the opportunity to bring two new interventional radiology suites to the QEII. This will increase our capacity, give us the right equipment for lifesaving procedures and allow us to deliver exceptional patient care, sooner.
Our team of radiologists within the QEII’s Department of Diagnostic Imaging are so confident in the impact that you can have for QEII patients that we have decided to match all gifts to the interventional radiology suites up to $200,000, until December 31, 2020.
We need your support to ensure that Atlantic Canadians who need an interventional radiology procedure have faster access to care, spend less time in hospital and more time with their families, especially as we continue to navigate the uncertainty of COVID-19.
This holiday season, please join us and choose to support your health, the health of your loved ones, and the healthcare providers on the frontlines who fight for you, every day.
Your gift will ensure that lifesaving care is ready and available to get you, your family and friends back on their feet, together, sooner.
Visit QE2IRSuites.ca to learn more and make a donation today.
Dr. Robert Berry
Interventional Radiologist
QEII Health Sciences Centre