QEII Foundation donors recently came together to address an immediate need at the QEII Health Sciences Centre.
We’re proud to announce that the QEII has received complete funding for Atlantic Canada’s first hybrid operating room (O.R) – with donors like you contributing $4 million.
While government will support the construction and renovation costs of the new surgical suite, QEII Foundation donors are funding the advanced technology inside to bring it to life.
A hybrid O.R. is one of the most technologically advanced operating suites available today – allowing surgical care teams to perform diagnostic imaging, minimally invasive procedures, and complex, open surgeries all in the same room, at the same time.
“Rapid access to care can mean a matter of life and death,” says Dr. Christine Herman, Cardiac and Vascular Surgeon at the QEII. “Thank you to QEII Foundation donors for bringing the hybrid O.R. home.”
The QEII’s new hybrid O.R. will be fully outfitted with state-of-the-art equipment and technology, which will ultimately drive more complex and cutting-edge procedures, smaller incisions, less stress on the heart, and shorter recovery times for patients.
Construction is currently underway on the QEII’s new hybrid O.R., which is slated to treat its first patients in fall 2020.